Working to recruit and place the best people to help employers achieve organisational success

The permanent team at SLS offer specialist consultative services into the following sectors:

  • Manufacturing
  • Construction
  • Engineering
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Food & Drink
  • Operational support
  • Executive

We have a broad network of clients and candidates and an in-depth understanding on a local and national level within each sector.

We need to understand the challenges that you may be facing with regards to your recruitment processes, but we also like to hear all the great things that are happening within your business – when you instruct us with your business need, we listen first and ask questions afterwards!!

The team here are not considered as typical recruiters, we are considered consultants and here’s why:

  • We are FIRP Qualified (Fellow Institute Recruitment Professionals) to obtain this
    You must have a proven industry experience over 10 years
  • Understand the candidate market
  • Offer Salary Benchmarking
  • Head Hunt
  • Complete 360 onboarding processes
  • GDPR

Candidates are a key aspect to our business; we advise and support them as much as we do our clients – integrity and professionalism are at the heart of everything we do.

If you have a recruitment need or looking for your next opportunity, please contact 01303 852179 or email